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Fitness COUNTS!

I love to walk, I enjoy the treadmill, I like to bike, I love to swim, I've joined a gym, once or twice. For me, activity was about how long I could last! When I have to clock speed or laps, that's where I loose steam or maybe interest is more accurate. I guess I'm a free agent when it comes to these activities. I'll do them, just don't ask for reports afterwards! I gauge it by how I feel after the fact. If I feel like I pushed myself but am still energized then I met the mark. I did a half marathon once upon a time; thanks to my best friend's inspiration and push. I'll be forever grateful for that; enough to do another someday!

Now enter in technology, namely, the Fitbit! My children have worn them on their wrists, off and on, for several years. My view, you won't catch me with that, what do I need to count steps for? If I feel the burn as I go up and down the stairs many times in a day, then I count that as sufficient steps! Ok, ok, I know that's not what they mean by steps! But really, do I want a device to tell me I slept 5 hours and 45 minutes and in that time, I was awake or restless for 52 minutes? I'm pretty sure the dull headache or the dark tan (Louis Vuittonish color) circles gives me a pretty good idea of that!

Ok, I'll stop being negative about it; because I know that this information can be important and that we really should be more aware of what we are doing to keep ourselves moving and well rested. So for Christmas I gave in, I put a Fitbit on my list and my kiddos were more than happy to wrap one up for my gift. They even included a nice silver bracelet band to conceal that I had given in! They gave me the beginner's one, it lights up and I have to go to the app to see my stats. I told them not the latest and greatest; just in case the Fitbit and I don't get along. They also know me and gadgets; as they have purchased enough kitchen ones as youngsters; which I politely offered them, still in the original packaging, when they moved into their own places!

Now six months later, I get it more; and I must say it can be addictive to wear one. The first few times I reached, actually exceeded, my step goal I sent them a text to tell them the exciting news. I am sure after the third time, they text each other privately asking, "was this really a good idea?". I got my enthusiasm under control; and stopped texting my daily achievement, and cheered myself on whenever I hit or went over my goal! Let me tell you though it was a rude awakening when I went from Monday through Friday walking over 10,000 steps, sometimes 12,000 each day; and then well, I won't publish my Saturday and Sunday numbers as to not embarrass my children!! Yeah, that's a good reason!!

I've since been working with that and am actually glad I took more serious notice of how much less I "step" on the weekends. So the secret to my weekday success? I am a teacher!! I am blessed with a class of 28, and so my steps added up rather quickly on a daily basis. One day, at the end of the official school day, I took a look at my step count; I love when the day is so busy I don't get to look at the app until the end of the day because it really is exciting and gratifying to watch that line go around the circle and to see the burst of stars! Hey, even teachers need a few stars now and then.

Now enter in some of the pitfalls or reflections of knowing your steps; or not knowing them...

Going back to that day I sat after the end of the school day and saw the stars burst onto the screen. I sat there and started to laugh. Looking at the size of my classroom and the lay of the land, I thought...hmmm over 12,000 steps in 7 hours. If they were to use a drone and video those steps I would look like a hamster in a cage that had some serious "weed" or "special" pellets for my breakfast and lunch! Think about it; especially if you are a teacher. Imagine yourself going from desk to desk, to the front of the room to the side, to the back, to the reading table, back to your desk over and over again. I think sketching it on paper would look hilarious. How could I have possibly logged that many steps in a day? The world might not ever know, I just know I felt more energized after I saw that then when the bell rang at the end of the day!

Now teacher's minds are always going, ideas popping; but, this particular afternoon I had one that made me less tired on how to achieve those 12,000 steps. How many times do adults remark, as they watch children move around, go nonstop, "I wish I could bottle that energy to use when I need it."? No I didn't come up with the million dollar idea for that, yet; but I did for a moment think of one that is not feasible but rather funny. Imagine the number of steps you could log (enough to balance out those step deprived weekend days) if you were to give your Fitbit to your students to wear. You know they would be all over that as a classroom job. It could be shared by several, maybe rotate who wears it each hour. But I guarantee that the step count would be much higher than the 12,000 and you wouldn't be a bit tired at the dismissal bell! I know, not a doable idea; but the possibility of harnessing all that energy and putting it to good use is a novel idea!! I'm laughing again picturing a meme for that; teacher feet up with a cup of coffee while the kids run around the room, like hamsters, with her Fitbit on their wrist (not a flattering image, but we know how those meme creators see us!!).

School is out for the summer, and I must admit, I haven't worn my Fitbit in several days. I actually wished I had as I dismantled my classroom, stepping up on chairs, taking an item from here and taking it all the way over there to pack away. So today when I needed to go bundle up a few final things, to close up for the summer; I wore my Fitbit thinking I'm going to get those steps logged and get my stars for the day! Much to my chagrin as I sat in my car after finishing up my classroom, I taped the black rubber bracelet around my wrist, no lights, I taped it several more times; and then I rolled it a bit on my wrist. That explains it!!! I had charged the unit the other day, thought I had put it into the rubber bracelet, I didn't pay attention this morning, assuming (future blog on the dangers of that) it was in there. Well I know I did at least my goal today. I had a star spangled day; that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Have a great 4th of July tomorrow! Celebration of the home of the free and the brave; yet, I'm wearing a bracelet that logs my every move!!

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