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Easter Morning Mist

Can you almost see Him there in the mist? Look closely; is He there or do the eyes see what they want to see? Faith is believing without seeing; can we imagine that early, on this most holy of mornings, He may have walked this very path. What would He be looking for? What would you do if you looked up and saw Him ahead of you? Would you wave, would you run to Him, would you look down and go the other way, in fear, in disbelief, in shame or embarrassment?

It is the way the light breaks through the darkness on the path. The brightness and joy that seems to burst through the trees casting shadows, but streaming hope for all those who will stay long enough to look, to see what lies ahead on the path.

If He caught up with you, what would it feel like to have Him walk alongside you. What would your conversation be? Do you imagine His voice? Would it be soft and quiet or would it be deep and powerful, yet filled with kindness and compassion? How many of us would love to wake up on a misty Easter morning and find ourselves on this path and encounter the Risen Lord?

We don't have to imagine, because our faith tells us that we can take that walk today, He is alongside us, as He always is and will be. He is listening, He is a loving and caring listener! All you need to do is start the conversation! He's not a stickler for proper and formal; actually He'd rather you be yourself with Him.

For many of us it will be a busy day, one filled with family and friends and activity. Take some time for a bit of quiet, because if you do, you will hear Him speak to you in all your surroundings. He has a message for you; He always does! If you just take the moments to pause and listen to His voice in whatever form it may take, you will hear what He wants you to know.

Wishing you a most Blessed and Joyous Easter! A day that reminds us of New Beginnings. Do we have to start all over? No, but it is a chance to walk down a path you may have avoided; to be open to the possibilities and above all to the plans He has for you!

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:11-13

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