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The Way

His path was not paved, it wasn't smooth going, it wasn't to a destination of rest and peace for Him. He walked the path in human suffering but with divine, willing obedience to His Father's will. The story of His path has been retold many times, many translations, many different reactions and emotions evoked by it.

Teaching young children, they question first, why do we call the day "good"; they've been taught right from wrong, good and bad, what it means to do unto others, be kind; to be a good person. So why a day that tells the story of what they see as great hatred, unkindness towards another, putting to death someone who simply loved and did only loving things; why would we call that day good?

So we learn and we talk about how all the pieces come together and answer, or attempt our best to answer their questions. Years of teaching the very young the questions were more of wonder and awe; with those a few years older, not that the wonder and awe have gone from their questions, but now they dig, they dig deeper. Knowing that we are held accountable for our actions, some knowing all too well what pain and suffering can feel like. Seeing right and wrong and how it is addressed by those they see as the adults or in charge of a situation. How do they measure the events of the day in their understanding? And so I spend forty days with them and we read and discuss and I discover more in the story for myself as well; because, that has always been the beauty in teaching, if you truly embrace it, you too, will always learn something new.

What will you choose today; to watch a movie like The Passion, read the many books that account the week, attend services, pray the Stations, or spend time with scripture and prayer? When you read and experience the days leading to today, the minutes and hours of, the today, thousands of years ago, what will you take from the story? Will it be different from what you took last year or as a child? I believe we take from it, each year, what we need, as God intended.

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