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Wassail Wednesday

Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Giving Tuesday, and I am proposing. . .

Wassail Wednesday!

I love themes and traditions and have fun with the National Day of...calendar days; so I decided I would like to institute Wassail Wednesday as part of the line up.

It follows days of spending and giving; and I think it will add a nice ending to that trio of days.

Will I be crying in my wassail bowl; well I probably could because I know what I get like when the % off and free gift card offers pile up on top of the sales price; and that item, I wasn't so sure I was going to buy, is now within reach of my debit card! Unfortunately when I am buying that one item, after 50% off, an extra 20% coupon, and a free $10 gift card; I forget that I got a similar deal two stores ago on another, at first, unreachable item. Oh yeah, there were those few things in my online cart that if I ordered by midnight on Thanksgiving, I would beat all the shoppers who waited for Black Friday at 12:01a.m. with a better deal!!! Suckers! There is no tradition of Black Friday when it comes to Christmas shopping, take the deal when it looks that good! You can be traditional somewhere else!!

Anyway, no I will not be crying in my wassail bowl, instead of adding tears, I'll be adding something else that is liquid, and that's where the fun begins...the SPIKED wassail bowl! Because everyone of you reading this, and laughing at my purchasing frenzy, also are shaking your head saying; you go girl! Pour that bottle into that bowl, because the more bleary eyed you are the less you can clearly see the numbers after the dollar sign, before the decimal point, that sums up your shopping frenzy! And you'll be clanking the punch bowl with the ladle before you give your toast..."Here is to National Wassail Wednesday, may we all drink in peace this season as we add to our own personal National Debt for the sake of Red, Gold, and Green!"

So let it be known that in 2017, I established, on the Wednesday following Thanksgiving, Wassail Wednesday! A day to drown out the sound of the beeping scanners at stores, and the buzz buzz take your card now because you will need it in fifty paces, at the next store. It'll drown out the Christmas music and the tapping of keys as you add up your purchases; I'll pray that your tab isn't the same as Luther Kranks, which in the movie added up to the tune of over $6,000! Which prompted him to skip Christmas, take his wife on a Caribbean vacation and still pocket $3,000! Of course if I spent half of what my Christmas total will be this year, I wouldn't end up in the Caribbean; but, hey after all the holiday bargain hunting and preparation, I'd take a room with a mini bar and spa offerings.

You don't need to skip Christmas, nor spend a fortune this year! Make your wassail today; add a little liquid yuletide cheer, stir, fill and clank your glasses on this first National Wassail Wednesday! Wishing you a season filled with joy, laughter, fun stories to share, and time with family and friends; those things don't have to add to your spending bottom line, but they are worth more than anything that comes in bright wrapping and ribbon!

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