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It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Now be patient with me; it is November 4th and I know you are all thinking I mean Christmas season, but I don't, because it's not! This phrase was also taken by a major retailer for a back to school campaign a number of years ago; parents celebrating the liberation of their homes from the 24/7 inhabitants! But, back to school and the newness of the year is behind us and we are deep into the school year. In fact, only hours ago I finished up my report cards for the first quarter of the year is now a wrap! No, it's the most wonderful time of the year; for really no special reason, it was just a feeling I sensed today. Ok, ok, I'll admit I was at Target just a few hours ago, and yes I did peek at the Christmas stuff.

But it was something else. Maybe the relief of having a major task done, maybe the joy of picking up a few special surprises for some very special people in my life, maybe it's the lull! Not an actually lull, as there is plenty to do and enjoy right now. It's the space between holidays that we really don't have to fill, but can if we choose. And if we choose, we enjoy it that much better, that much less stressed because we don't have to do it.

It hit me as I was putting my purchases up on the conveyor belt (do people even call it that anymore?) in the checkout line. A lady passed by, with her cart to begin her shopping adventure; she also had made a quick snack stop and had a bag of freshly popped popcorn in the seat part of the cart, and she was slowly piloting her cart down the aisle, taking a piece by piece a small morsel of salty, buttery happiness to munch. She seemed so serene and so content. I thought, hmmmmm, that's the way to do it. Who knows, she could have had the weight of the world on her shoulders, but in that moment she decided to shed it for now and just get lost in the adventure of shopping, with popcorn!

It might sound silly at first when you read that; you might roll your eyes thinking, one of those who meanders down the aisles in my way, or you might disapprove saying I'd never do something like that! Never say never, someone once told me that a long time ago; and she is very right! Actually on a day like today, I wish I would have thought about stopping and grabbing a bag of that fresh popped deliciousness!

I didn't really have anything to get at Target, so I browsed and as I found some special little things and placed them in my cart, it was nice not to have a list to check off or worry about the items I needed to get because this is the last day of the sale. I was able to savor the anticipation of giving those little things and seeing the expression on the face of the receiver. It was the joy of finding that specific thing, that has a connection to what you know about them, but not having been a frenzy to find it, not wearing yourself out looking for it, it just found you in that lull moment.

Yes it's that lull time, one holiday behind us, two more on the horizon, the first mainly calls for family and friends to gather with a feast to share. Of course then there is the beautiful season of Christmas, which we have all been guilty, at least once, to terrorize with unreal expectations! But this lull, a week, maybe two of exhale. The resting time as seen in the outside world, leaves almost all down, creating a colorful, lush carpet on which to saunter across. Browsing stores if you are moved to do so; might even find something amazing to give someone special, something you weren't even looking for, it just found its way onto your path or into your cart.

I think that this lull time can get to you! In fact, as I think back on my shopping trip; no one was racing down aisles, no one was frantically looking for anything specific. There were aisles of Halloween candy at 70% off; saw a handful of people taking advantage. Yes, I did too, Jolly Rancher Pops, a bag for $.80; so I grabbed a few, they make good prizes! Then there was a couple, the man lifting a big bag into the cart saying, "I'm going to get this bag of assorted candy bars, take it to work, it'll be a nice treat to share!".

There were parents, and a few moms shopping solo, in the toy aisles, and it was nice to see that they were scanning the shelves calmly, picking up items and turning them around thoughtfully reading the package and looked to be lost in the thought of their child opening that item on Christmas morning. They weren't grabbing and putting it frantically in their cart; they just seemed to be finding a few things that brought a smile to their faces. Who knows, weeks from now they might be celebrating that they picked those few things up today. They didn't know today that they were going to be the hottest toy around this Christmas; but now they have their's nestled safely on the top shelf of the closet; waiting for Christmas morning! Phew! Sounds like a chance earned to have a coffee and leaf through the pages of that December issue of your favorite magazine, the one that usually ends up in the recycle bin untouched.

Does the crispness in the air, the extra hour we fall into, the listless shopping trip, and just that in-between time get to us in a way where we make more room for kindness; not only towards others, but to ourselves too? That we can actually enjoy, an otherwise dreaded task, because it is on our terms, with no expectations? Whatever the reason, as you turn the clocks back tonight, as you gain that extra hour, I hope you also fall into some comforting lull time and find a little peace and contentment in the days ahead!

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