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A Good Kick in the Pants!

Tomorrow is Monday, the day most of us will drag ourselves out of bed and bemoan over and over that it's Monday, beginning of the week; weekend over and the work weekdays are ahead, right at our fingertips!

But tomorrow, the second Monday of October is going to be different! It's National Kick Butt Day; the day you are going to promise yourself that you are going to give yourself a good kick in the pants! Fear, impatience, boredom, exhaustion, and stubbornness all holds us back, but the risk to say, I'm going to do this because it's what I want, will be worth it in the end.

"When you're a real one, you'll get overlooked because the world celebrates fake first. But in the end, you win. Take your time in the climb." -Tony Gaskins

What have you been meaning to do, what have you wanted to start, what have you wanted to rid your life of? Maybe you got a start at ridding yourself of something already, but now it's time to get a fresh start, surround yourself with what you need and want more than anything. Let go of the baggage, forget about some of that past and the players that you really don't value; move forward with you in mind and those who support you.

It's time to put your toes on the starting line and begin! But it's not a race, go at your own pace, but go! Start that project you've left half finished, write down those goals and hold yourself to doing something each day to get you closer to reaching them. What changes have you been wanting to make; style, job, friendships; whatever is on your radar, hit the target and get going.

Sometimes it has to be about just you and what matters most to you, the things worth fighting for, the things worth being completely honest about, what gives you the will to go on no matter what you are facing. So whatever you've been meaning to do, whatever wrong you might need to make right, put fear and all else aside and take the risk, for you, because in the end, it's what you want deep down that you need to get started on!

Share a coffee with someone you value and amid the buzz 'n chatter you might find the strength to deliver that kick. Deep down you knew the strength was there all the time, sometimes we just need a partner in crime to go along for the ride. That's not a weakness, you can go it alone, but it's not always as fun! You'll find they might just give you the kick, because they believe in you! You know they'll help you figure out the right direction.

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