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Stand Up and Do Something

Do something nice today just because; but if you need a reason, it's National Do Something Nice Day!! If that's not enough to inspire you to spring into action; it is also National Get Funky Day! I'm sure the first thing you see or think is tie dyed outfits, big hair, platform shoes, maybe some big hoop earrings; and of course there are the groovy dance moves that would top it off. Don't panic, you don't have to search the back of the closet or run out to the consignment shop, because getting funky isn't about the exterior! It's about energy, energy from deep within that we release and let carry us away and spring into action!

How do the two tie together? Consider turning up that energy to improve your mood and the general mood around you, wherever you go. When you feel energized; you feel good about yourself, let yourself rise above any funk you might be in, you can let go of your hectic schedule and fast paced lifestyle; if only for a few moments. You'll find yourself wanting more; and possibly, without realizing it, you'll feel lighter, break out a smile or even laugh! Watch how this can improve the day; how differently you'll interact, even with strangers, saying and doing those nice things.

Wouldn't it be the most amazing thing if we didn't need days on the calendar to remind us to do these things? That shouted, "hey! stop for a moment, notice there are others around you, and show a little kindness". It should be an everyday thing, something we do without checking it off a to do list or penciling it in on our calendar. It's not ever too late to start, start today and experience the positive emotions it brings, taking it to the point where we want to make it a daily thing, without even thinking about it.

Don't just stand there, do something! Make a difference with a kind word, share a laugh, smile, express gratitude, and bring positivity into other's lives and in return you'll find you'll have a more positive attitude as well. It won't all happen over night, but if we embrace life today with a little funkiness and niceness; who knows where it will lead! It could start with you and spread to others quickly; a little love, a little laughter, and a whole lot of light to shed on some of the darkness of negativity that has found its way into our lives. Don't be afraid to be the one to get funky, be nice, and make a difference in the day!

What will you do today to get funky and start the chain of kindness?

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