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Feel the Energy and Embrace the Changes!

The calendar has finally caught up with nature and as of 4:02pm EDT yesterday, it's officially Autumn!! It's the season of cooler weather and longer nights; with yesterday being the day of "even steven", 12 hours of day and 12 hours of night. Those are the facts, but the reality of fall, that's where the really beauty and story comes in and begs to be told, but first it has to be written!

If you looked on Google yesterday, they celebrated with one of their Google Doodles and if you just sat back for a minute or two and watched the charming animation of a small mouse enjoying that first day of autumn, you start to see what truly grabs the hearts of fans of this season. A cute little mouse, decked out in a seasonal red scarf giving him that warm hug on a chilly day, scampering and romping in the leaves, taking a break, he scurries underground for a sip from a steaming cup of tea, and back out he goes; yes it's a loop, but the more you watch the more you see the endless possibilities in a fall day!

There's something about the fall; the joy of the repeat of something so comforting and peaceful, and refreshing and energizing at the same time. The sunshine of the autumn brings a different shine and warmth to the day as it kisses your nose and cheek. The rustling leaves and the twirls of their dance in the breeze as they take their leap, letting go of the tight grasp of what was, and willing to embrace the adventure of what lies ahead.

Windy days whisper in such a way that it feels like it is whispering words of encouragement. The energy we seem to elicit when we are out in the cool day or being awake a little longer wrapped in the chilly evening with our favorite blanket, chatting away or reading, but sleep not taking us away just yet, because we feel that energy. Do you feel it, the energy of this season of change? Can you let yourself go into that unknown and grab onto the possibilities, share the adventure knowing that you're not alone on this stretch of the journey.

It's beckoning; go down the path, get lost in the day, and if you find nothing else; you may find a bit of yourself you've lost for awhile. Season of change, discovery, and rediscovery; that's the energy she brings. Walk along side her dressed in her fiery colors, whispering those words of encouragement as her energy surrounds you; dare to imagine and then realize the possibilities!

The facts: Seasons change based on how the Earth, which spins on a tilted axis, moves around the sun each year. When the North Pole points towards the sun, it brings the direct light we know as Summer in the Northern Hemisphere. Winter is ushered in when the North Pole is pointed away from the sun.

The writer's interpretation: We go through life spinning on our own tilted axis and depending where we are pointed will determine the seasons in our lives; the carefree summer, the changing autumn, the bareness of slumbering winter, and the renewing springtime. What season are you living in this moment?

Wherever you find yourself, turn on your own tilted axis and find your autumn; take in her energy and call for change. Life isn't exact and no one turns on a perfectly straight axis, it's in the lean towards what we need, what we crave for ourselves, that brings us those moments of excitement and snippets of energy. Why not try stretching out those moments awhile longer and make the most of this new found energy and maybe you'll discover a new affection for all she has to offer?

Write your own story of this beautiful season, set goals, make plans; take from the energy of the blazing landscape and crispness of the fresh clean air! As you watch the leaves twirling, think about turning over a new leaf somewhere in your life; seeing their slow fall through space and time, let yourself fall into something that puts a smile on your face and a joyful beat in your heart!

Take a cue from our little Google mouse, take some you time and go outside and enjoy the day, let the breeze kiss your cheeks on a brisk walk, leaves crunching under your feet; or just sit outside as the sun warms you up and the wind whispers that encouragement of the new season; and then refresh yourself with that steaming cup of tea, coffee, or cider and start all over again!

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