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Lazy Days of Summer!

Lazy days of summer; I want one! Yesterday was National Lazy Day. So I will conveniently use that as the reason I didn't post; I planned it that way (cough, cough). Yes, there truly is a day set aside in celebration of laziness; and what perfect timing that it comes in August, as the days start to accelerate towards fall, days of earlier sunsets and beaches taking a rest from the crowds, who lounged there all summer.

While these national days are not necessarily Hallmark holidays; they need to be taken seriously! I think for some of us, they can be that excuse we have been looking for, to do something extraordinary on an otherwise, just ordinary day of the week. To do something we have always wanted to, or to be silly; maybe even enjoy something we said we wouldn't ever try or eat. Who knows it might bring us some of the best memories of our lives!

So if you were to celebrate National Lazy Day; what would you do, or more fittingly, what would you avoid doing? Although the National Day of Lazy has passed, maybe you should think about catching up with it; like a belated birthday or late delivery of a Christmas gift. Think about it, but more importantly, do it; even it you only give yourself a few hours to test it out, do it for you! Add it on your calendar in the next week. And like those big holidays, maybe it's time to start planning for next August 10th and being lazy.

Yesterday was also National S'mores Day! What genius to put those two together on the same day! To be lazy, and to have s'mores to keep you company, while you do nothing! And be creative, maybe spread a little peanut butter on the graham crackers first, or use a peanut butter cup instead of the traditional chocolate bar, or instead of graham crackers, chocolate chip cookies or...well the possibilities are really up to your personal choice and favorite taste combinations; I mean doesn't everything go with chocolate?!

So break out the chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers stay in your pj's or put on your favorite comfy outfit, make a few s'mores, savor each bite and do nothing else but be lazy!

And when you're done, share what a lazy day was for you; and don't forget to share your favorite s'mores recipe too! These just might end up as one of those Hallmark holidays and we'd all like some ideas of how to celebrate!

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