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A Story is Born Every Moment!

I have been writing away for some time now; however, this is my first official post to my blog! You know how it can be with setting a goal or deciding you’re going to do something. How you can easily come up with every excuse, pardon the pun, in the book, to shy away from it. I decided it had to be done before school started back up in August, and yes it is August, but school is still a few weeks away, so here it is. I did it! When I told my best friend of my plans she said give me a date; those best friends always pushing you to be your best and stick with things, I had a range of dates, almost the whole month of August; but she knew where that would get me, so she demanded a specific date. I gave her one, and lo and behold I stuck to it and so here it is! My original idea was to introduce the blog and its author, me, and talk about my journey to get here; but, I'm just jumping in, not at the beginning; more like we were picking up in a conversation we had started sometime earlier or where the bookmark told us we had left off.

Truth be told I probably have been “blogging” for a very long time, before it even had a name; and instead of a laptop and the internet as my vehicles to write and share, I would write on almost anything that didn’t move! A thought, an idea would pop into my head, I would see or hear something inspirational and had to jot it down before I forgot so the back of a receipt, the inside of a matchbook, a napkin; well those who love to write or jot things down know where I could go with the list!

Today is the day I take the risk of putting some of those thoughts and jottings out there for somebody, hopefully, anybody to read and maybe laugh or smile or one of my favorite reactions, think or say, "me too!". So of all the years and days I’ve wait to do this, this day, National Book Lover's Day, is fitting because it has been all the books I have enjoyed that have inspired me and helped me find my writer’s voice.

My blogs won't always be about books and stories, but they do play a big part in my life and the stories that I’ve read that have danced into my heart or spurred me on to do something out of the ordinary; the stories I listened to, music to my ears to remind me where I came from, the rich history of my life and the ones that have inspired me to say, “yes, I can do that” or “I wish I could be that brave or talented”. Many of us have read or heard stories that have stayed with us like a lifetime friend; but we also have our own stories, the ones we might have written down in the pages of a journal or maybe even on a napkin or the back of a receipt. Maybe you are published or have shared your stories with an audience, bravo I say to you for your confidence and courage! (One day I will share with you my experience with book critics at the tender age of 7; my first fiction story, my first public reading to an audience of two (not my parents) and then laughter...gasp! For I had written what I thought was a captivating, yet sad love story, inspired by a song from the sibling duo of Donny and Marie; my critics thought it was a comedy!).

Whatever our stories are we own them and how powerful they can be when we share them. Sometimes in telling them, we really hear them for the first time, and our lives might not ever be the same because they belong to us, they are a part of us. So own your stories, write them down, share them, you may find the journey of a lifetime among the words!

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